The “Last Expedition” (From the History of US-Russian Collaboration in the Study of Indigenous Peoples)
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The “Last Expedition” (From the History of US-Russian Collaboration in the Study of Indigenous Peoples)
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Franz Boas’s 1930–31 field trip to Vancouver Island (in which the Soviet/Russian ethnographer Yulia Averkieva was a participant) is perhaps the only known example of collaboration between the Soviet and US ethnographies through the “teacher-student” paradigm. Averkieva studied in an exchangeprogram at Barnard College where Boas taught at the time. For the aging professor, this was the last trip out to the field; whereas for his Soviet student who ventured to study Americas, it was the first and, unfortunately, the only one. The field trip to the native people of Kwakiutl (Kwakwakaʼwakw) wassuccessful. Its goals were accomplished. Drawing on its outcome, both Boas and Averkieva tried to better conceptualize methods of ethnographic fieldwork. Furthermore, this trip raised important issues about the preservation of language and culture of the Kwakiutl, and about saving the endangered society. Thearticle is drawn on Boas’s correspondence kept in the archives of the American Philosophical Society.
Boas, Averkieva, Kwakiutl, endangered people, extinction, salvation ethnography
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  1. AIEhA – Arkhiv Instituta ehtnologii i antropologii RAN (Moskva). F. Yu.P. Averkievoj.
  2. ARNB – Arkhiv Rossijskoj natsional'noj biblioteki (SPb.). F. 10/1. D. 2. L. 1.
  3. Batser 1975 – Batser I.M. Khvuana iz roda kvakiyutlej // Leninskaya pravda (Petrozavodsk). 11.10.1975.
  4. Batser, Chesnokov 1975 – Batser I.M., Chesnokov Zh. Nazvali Khvuanoj // Pravda. 5.11.1975.
  5. PF ARAN – Sankt-Peterburgskij filial Arkhiva RAN (SPb.). F. 222. Op. 2. Ed. khr. 722. L. 19, 20.
  6. TsA FSB – Tsentral'nyj arkhiv FSB. Ed. khr. R. 5293.
  7. Averkieva/Boas Correspondence 2006 – Julia Averkieva/Franz Boas Correspondence (1931–1937) // Bulletin: Anthropology, Minorities, Multiculturalism. New Series (The Center for Pontic and Caucasian Studies, Krasnodar). 2006. Vol. 1. No. 2 (June 2006). P. 117–159.
  8. BH/IK – Bill Holm to Igor Kuznetsov Correspondence.
  9. FB/EB – Franz Boas to Ernst Boas (BFP).
  10. FB/JA – Franz Boas to Julia Averkieva (BP).
  11. FB/NB – Franz Boas to Norman Boas (BFP).
  12. FB/RB – Franz Boas to Ruth Benedict (BP).
  13. FB/TB – Franz Boas to Tony Boas (BFP).
  14. FB/WB – Franz Boas to Waldemar Bogoras (BP).
  15. JA/FB – Julia Averkieva to Franz Boas (BP).
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  25. Nitoburg Eh.L. Yu.P. Petrova-Averkieva: uchenyj i chelovek // Repressirovannye ehtnografy. Vyp. 2 / Sost. i otv. red. D.D. Tumarkin. M.: Vostochnaya literatura, 2003. S. 399–428.
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  27. Averkieva J., Sherman M.A. Kwakiutl String Figures. N.Y.: American Museum of Natural History; Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1992.
  28. Boas F. History and Science in Anthropology: A Reply // American Anthropologist. 1936. Vol. 38. No. 1. P. 137–141.
  29. Boas F. The Aims of Anthropological Research // Science. 1983 [1932]. Vol. 76. P. 605–613.
  30. Codere H. The Understanding of the Kwakiutl // The Anthropology of Franz Boas: Essays on the Centennial of His Birth / Ed.W. Goldschmidt. San Francisco: Howard Chandler Publisher; American Anthropological Association, 1959. P. 61–138.
  31. Cole D., Chaikin I. An Iron Hand upon the People: The Law against the Potlatch on the Northwestern Coast. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre; Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1990.
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  33. Gruber J.W. Ethnographic Salvage and the Shaping of Anthropology // American Anthropologist. 1970. Vol. 72. No. 6. P. 1289–1299.
  34. Holm B. Foreword // Averkieva J., Sherman M.A. Kwakiutl String Figures. N.Y.: American Museum of Natural History; Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1992. P. xi.
  35. Rohner R. Franz Boas: Ethnographer on the Northwest Coast // Pioneers of American Anthropology / Ed. J. Helm. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1966. P. 149–222.
  36. Rohner R. (ed.) The Ethnography of Franz Boas: Letters and Diaries of Franz Boas Written on the Northwest Coast From 1886 to 1931 / Comp., ed. R. Rohner; intr. R. Rohner, E.C. Rohner; transl. H. Parker. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969.


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