Modern Football (Soccer), Local Identity and Global World
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Modern Football (Soccer), Local Identity and Global World
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The development of football (soccer) in recent years reflects one of the key paradoxes of our time: even though people’s ways of life in various countries and parts of the world are becoming increasingly similar, the sense of belonging to different local communities is at the same time being maintained if not heightened. Until the 1980–90s, it was common for football fans to take pride in their favorite team’s distinctive style of play and players who themselves would often be natives of their region or even hometown. Teams were often owned by local businessmen or authorities. In a word, sport teams and clubs were a perfect representation of local identity. Today, the connection between the team and the local area is weakened, yet feelings of affection for the team are still going strong. The article delves into this quandary as well as the reasons for football’s undying cultural popularity.
football, soccer, globalization, identity, modern society
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Additional sources and materials

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Murray B. Celtic et Rangers / Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales. 1994. No. 103. P. 41–51.
Wahl A., Lanfranchi P. Les footballeurs professionnels des années trente à nos jours. Paris: Hachette, 1995.


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